History of Sussex and Warren Counties, New Jersey, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Compiled by James P. Snell, (Author of History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, N. J.), Assisted by Prof. W. W. Clayton and a Numerous Corps of Writers. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1881. Press of J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia. Transcribed by a volunteer. Tagged by Rolland Everitt.
Page 368D. Sussex County. Montague (township). Biographical Sketch of Allen EVERITT (picture at top of page).
Allen Everitt is a grandson of Jacob Everitt, who was born about the year 1735, and twenty years later came to this country from Germany. He was by profession a practioner of medicine, performed active service during the French-and-Indian war, and was present at the battle of Ticonderoga. In company with a brother, the only remaining member of the family who came to this country, he first took up his residence in Hunterdon Co., N. J., where he married Hannah Langafelt, daughter of a Presbyterian clergyman. Subsequently he removed to Montague township, Sussex Co., where he continued to practice his profession from 1770 until his death, in 1802. He resided near where Daniel D. Everitt now lives, and had eight children,--viz., John, Christian, Jacob (who was shot during the Whisky War at the close of the Revolution), Godfrey, Abraham (one of the first settlers in Oswego Co., N. Y.), Isaac, Marshall (who removed to Michigan in 1835), and George, who also took up his residence in Michigan.
Isaac Everitt, son of Dr. Jacob Everitt, and father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Montague township on March 13, 1771. In his younger days he followed the avocation of a blacksmith, but subsequently entered upon the avocation of a farmer, in which pursuit he passed the remainder of his life.
He was a man of standing and influence in the township, possessed of strong will and a self-reliant nature, and a Whig in politics. He filled various township offices, and was appointed a justice of the peace as early as 1817. His wife, whom he married in 1797, was Mary, daughter of Daniel Davis, born in May, 1777.
The children of the union were John D., born March 23, 1798; Betsey, born Feb. 10, 1800, married Abraham Shimer, died Aug. 19, 1828; George B., born June 14, 1802, died May 22, 1874; Jane Westbrook, born Aug. 24, 1804, died Sept. 18, 1835; Mary Ann, born Feb. 26, 1807, widow of Isaac J. Labar, of Wyomining Co., Pa.; Hannah, born Oct. 10, 1809, married Elisha Depue, died Jan. 17, 1840; Allen, born July 24, 1814; Catharine, born Jan. 9, 1817, married John M. Barlow, of Michigan, died Jan. 16, 1856; Isaac (2d), born Dec. 31, 1818; and Matthew L., born Nov. 10, 1822, died April 28, 1872. Isaac Everitt died on March 7, 1833, and his wife on June 23, 1835.
Allen Everitt was born on the John Cortright farm in Montague, on the date above indicated. His earlier years were passed upon his father's farm, and his education, which terminated at the age of fourteen, was such as the common schools of his day afforded. For two years he clerked in the store of his brother, John D. Everitt, at Hainesville, and upon the death of his father, in 1833, he worked the home-farm on shares with his mother for two years. After her demise he rented the homestead for a time, and, gradually buying out the heirs, became its sole owner. In 1857 he sold the property to Daniel D. Everitt, and two years later purchased his present farm of two hundred and thirty acres, near "Brick House."
Mr. Everitt is recognized as one of the hard-working, industrious, and successful farmers of the township, and in the community in which he dwells bears the reputation of an honorable and upright man. First a Whig and then a Republican, he cast his first vote in 1836 for Gen. Wm. H. Harrison, and has since remained true to the traditions of his party. He has never been a seeker after position, and has filled only the ordinary offices of his township. He is a supporter of the Reformed Church of Montague, is favorably known in financial circles, and has been a member of the board of directors of the First National Bank of Port Jervis, N. Y., and of the Merchants' National Bank of Newton. He has been twice married. His first wife, to whom he was united on March 2, 1847, was Ellen, daughter of Jesse and Margaret P. Hunt, of Frankford townshp. She died Feb. 27, 1857. His present wife, whom he married on April 5, 1859, is Sally Jane, widow of John Finch, of Orange Co., N. Y., and daughter of James B. and Mary Dayton (Foster) Armstrong, of Montague. The following children were born of the first marriage,--viz., Hannah Jane, Jan. 5, 1848, widow of Wilhelmus Westfall; George, Oct. 6, 1850, died March 4, 1854; Martin, March 26, 1853, died June 22, 1878; and an infant who died unnamed. By the second marriage were born George Lindley, April 21, 1860, died Sept. 17, 1860; Frank Allen, March 14, 1862, died March 18, 1864; and Sarah Ellen, April 6, 1865.