Two Obituaries of Harry C. Everitt

From the Sussex Independent, of Friday, February 22, 1907, as transcribed by Cathy DiPietro

Mortuary Record

From our Over the Mountain correspondent

The sad news came on Sunday morning that Harry Everitt, of Montague, had died at 4 o'clock that morning. He had been in ill health for a long period, but not considered as dangerously ill.

He was married in 1895 to Miss Maggie Bevan [sic] of Hainesville, and began housekeeping on the farm then owned by his father, the late Daniel D. Everitt. He was a young man of correct habits, and highly esteemed in that community.

He is survived by his widow and two small children, also one brother, John, of Montague, and two sisters, Mary, wife of Alfred Struble, of Branchville, and Anna, wife of John Wood, of Port Jervis.

From an unknown newspaper



Harry C. Everitt, a respected citizen of Montague, Sussex County, N. J., died at his residence on the homestead farm, two miles south of the Brick House early Sunday morning, aged 36 years.

Mr. Everitt was a son of Daniel D. and Annie M. Everitt, of Montague, and was born on the farm where they died and which has continued to be his residence. He was an honest, industrious and frugal farmer, kind and hospitable and a good citizen in every respect.

The deceased is survived by his wife and two small children; also by one brother, John Everitt, of Montague, N. J., and two sisters, Mary, wife of Alfred Struble, of Branchville, N. J., and Roanas, wife of John W. Wood, of Port Jervis.

The funeral will take place from the residence at 11 o'clock Wednesday forenoon. Interment at the cemetery at Hainesville.