Philadelphia, PA Census Information
[Editor's Note--Much of This information was compiled and transcribed by Frances Bennett of Austin, Texas, and
passed on to
me by Sharon Newall, of England. The information has been slightly edited and tagged for web access
by Rolland Everitt.]1850 Census
(Texas State Archives Reel # 824): State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, Town/Township of Germantown, taken on the 17th day of August, 1850.
Page 218-B, House No. 413, Family No. 434 (in order of visitation).
- Samuel Malatrate, age 44, male, occupation: weaver, birthplace: England
- Ann Malatrate, age 41, female, birthplace: England
- Samuel Malatrate, age 19, male, occupation: weaver, birthplace: England
- Joseph Malatrate, age 17, male, occupation: weaver, birthplace: England
- Martha Malatrate, age 15, female, birthplace: England
- Ellen Malatrate, age 13, female, birthplace: England
- Ann Malatrate, age 11, female, birthplace: England, in school within the year
- Wright Malatrate, age 8, birthplace: England, in school within the year
- Eliza Malatrate, age 5, female, birthplace: England
- Harriet Malatrate, age 2, female, birthplace: Pennsylvania
Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Louisville, Jefferson Co., Kentucky,
page 327, (roll 206), Dwelling 594, family 594.
- James Mallatratt, age 30, male, occupation: clerk, birthplace: England
- Julia Mallatratt, age 30, female, birthplace: England
- Benjamin P Mallatratt, age 6, male, birthplace: New York
- James G Mallatratt, age 1, male, birthplace: New York
- apparently they left England between 1845 and 1848.
- The blank columns for all are Color, Value of Real Estate, Married Within Year, and Cannot Read or Write.
1860 Census
Page 193 (census taken July16th, 1860). State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia - 22nd Ward, Town/Township of Germantown. Dwelling No. 1384, Family No. 1390.
- Samuel Malatrat, age 53, male, occupation: Weaver, value of real estate $2,000, birthplace: England
- Ann Malatrat, age 49, female, birthplace: England
- Martha Malatrat, age 24, female, occupation: seamstress, birthplace: England
- Anna Malatrat, age 20, female, occupation: seamstress, birthplace: England
- Wright Malatrat, age 18, male, occupation: app bricklayer, birthplace: England
- Elisa Malatrat, age 15, female, birthplace: England
- Harriet Malatrat, age 12, female, birthplace: Penn
- Helen Gilbert, age 21, female, occupation: seamstress, birthplace: England
- Mary (not sure whether Gilbert or Malatrat), age 3, female, birthplace: Penn
- Blank columns for all names are: Color, Value - Property & Personal, Married in Year, School in Year, Cannot Read or Write.
Page 127. State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, 22nd Ward, Town/Township of Germantown (taken on the 28th day of June, 1860).
Dwelling No. 904, Family No. 910 (in order of visitation).
- Saml Malatrat, age 30, male, occupation: weaver, birthplace: England
- Mary Malatrat, age 25, female, birthplace: England
- Jane A. Leech, age 60, female, birthplace: England
1880 Census
Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Enumeration District 447 - 3rd day of June, 1880. Page 378-B, Street name: Bexley Street, House No. 59, Family No. 61
- Wright Malatratt, white male, age 36, married, occupation: bricklayer, misc. Information: unemployed 4 mos., birthplace: England, birthplace of father: England, birthplace of mother: England.
- Bridget Malatratt, white female, age 36, relationship to head of house: wife, married, occupation: keeping house, cannot write, birthplace: Ireland, birthplace of father: Ireland, birthplace of mother: Ireland.
- Joseph Malatratt, White male, age 17, relationship to head of house: son, single, occupation: works in woolen mill, birthplace: Penn, birthplace of father: England, birthplace of mother: Ireland.
- Mary Malatratt, white female, age 13, relationship to head of house: daughter, single, occupation: works in woolen mill, birthplace: Penn, birthplace of father: England, birthplace of mother: Ireland.
- Louis Malatratt, white male, age 8, relationship to head of house: son, single, occupation: at school, birthplace: Penn, birthplace of father: England, birthplace of mother: Ireland.
- Blank columns for all are: Month of Birth if Born in 1880, Widowed, Divorced, and Married in Census Year.
- Note: the age given is prior to June 1st.