Two obituaries of Robert Haggerty Everitt

Photocopies of the following obituaries were sent to me by Alicia Batko of M.A.R.C.H. I do not know the newspapers or editions. The obits do not agree on the date of death, but both clippings have notations in ink, apparently contemporary to publication, indicating the proper date as December 23, 1907.


Robert Everitt

Robert Everitt, a well-known and much respected resident of Layton, N. J., died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lester Smith in that village at 11:30 p. m., Monday [December 23, 1907], of old age and general debility, aged 77 years.

Deceased was born at Layton, June 13, 1830, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Everitt, and he had always resided in that place.

For many years Mr. Everitt was a prosperous farmer and took pride in caring for a fine productive farm near the village. He was a good citizen and was respected by a host of friends.

After the death od his wife, who was a Miss Stoll, he took up his residence with his daughter, Mrs. Lester Smith, where he made his home for the past 8 years.

He was he brother of the late Martin Everitt, President of the First National Bank of Port Jervis, and of the late Daniel Everitt, of Montague, N. J.

The funeral was held at 10 o'clock this forenoon, (Thursday) at Layton. The interment was in the family plot.


Many to their Last Resting Place--Unusual Number of Deaths Among the Aged

Robert Haggerty Everett, [sic] one of the most prominent citizens of Sandyston township, and known throughout the county by a host of friends, died early Tuesday morning, December 24, at the home of his daughter, Mary F. Smith, wife of Lester T. Smith, at Layton. Mr. Everett was 77 years of age last June, and the last surviving member of the family of Judge John D. Everett, who was also a leading citizen of Sandyston township. His wife, who was a sister of James M. Stoll of Hainesville, and the late Anthony S. Stoll, and Henry C. Stoll, died about seven years ago. Deceased is survived by one son, John Elmer Everett, of Port Jervis, and one daughter, the wife of Lester T. Smith. Since the death of his wife Mr. Everett had made his home with his daughter, but recent years had made him an invalid, though when in his prime, he was one of the most vigorous and active men in the county. Through inheritance and his own exertions Mr. Everett had accumulated a large property. For a long time Mr. Everett was a member of the Republican County Committee, and the influence that he possessed was exhibited during the gubernatorial campaign of John W. Griggs, and at other times, when he held the Democratic majority in Sandyston down to small figures. Few men in the over-mountain district were so popular as genial "Bob" Everett, by which name he was generally known, and his death removes a sturdy figure, and the community in which he lived will long remember his many acts of kindness.