John D. Everitt Teaching Contracts and Poll List

Entries 55-110

55. Henry A. Warner 83. Parshall Howell
56. Saml. H. Lulavin 84. Jonas Cortright
57. Ophraine Faurote 85. Thomas Hough
58. Danl. Warner 86. Aaron B. Carr
59. Reuben Cortright 87. James R. Ennes
60. Joshua Fulford 88. Saml. Renbert
61. Simon Quick 89. John Bedell
62. Daniel H. Snover 90. Elijah Bennet
63. Saml. P. Roberts 91. Enock Snook
64. Peter Kyte 92. Peter Snook
65. John Depue 93. William Cortright
66. Isaic Cortright 94. Isaac Losey Jun.
67. Kelly Westbrook 95. Sidney Denion
68. Daniel Marvin 96. George Young
69. John Merren 97. Peter Myers
70. Peter Merren 98. Mordecai Myers
71. Jacob Warner 99. Robinson Crocket
72. George Merring Jun. 100. Evert Vanauken Jun.
73. Isaiah Cortright 101. Solomon Kittle
74. Henry Reubut 102. Willhelmus Hotalen
75. Isaac Bedell 103. Jeptha Clark
76. Abrm Bennett 104. Jacob Kittle
77. John Muring Jun. 105. Joseph I. Westbrook
78. Isaac Decker 106. John Howey
79. Stephen Bedell Jun. 107. David Faggen
80. Timothy E. Shay 108. E. Carmer
81. Willhelmas Bennet 109. Jacob Hornbeck
82. Luke Jager 110. Hirdon Horton

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