John D. Everitt Teaching Contracts and Poll List

Contract of 3-January-1816

                       SCHOOL ARTICLE
                        Three Months
                       Jan. 3rd, 1816
We the subscribers of the township of Montague and
Sandyston, County of Sussex and State of New Jersey do
agree with John D. Everitt to teach a regular English day
school in the school house near John I. Westbrooks in
Sandyston for the term of three months, for which service
we promise to pay the sum of ten shillings for each schollar
we shall sign or send on or before the expiration of the
above mentioned time, said Everitt is to teach Reading,
Writing and arithmetic, and we the subscribers do agree to
find said Everitt boarding and lodging during said time
And we the subscribers agree and promise to furnish and
provide the above named term our equal proportion of fire wood
according to the number of schollars we shall sign or send
and we further agree if any one shall neglect to furnish his
or her proportion of fire wood after having two days notice
from the teacher and the school if likely to be broken up
for want of wood than the teacher is hereby authorised to
purchase a load of wood and to give credit one dollar on the
school account of him or her who shall so furnish the school
with wood and charge the same to him or her who shall neglect
to bring their proportion of wood when notified and the teacher
is entitled to the money for every load of wood so purchased
and credited as above mentioned.
                   January 3rd A.D. 1826 Corn. 10th.
Subscribers              Subscribers
Isaac Everitt 2          Alexr. Ennos 2
Anne Westbrook 2         Wilhelmns Nananhr 1
Joseph Wesbrook 1        Kenbert W. Curtin 2

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