John D. Everitt Teaching Contracts and Poll List
School to begin on
Monday, Augt. 12th, 1816
We the subscribers of the township of Montague and
Sandyston, county of Sussex and state of New Jersey do agree
with John D. Everitt to teach a regular English day school
in the schoolhouse near John I. Westbrook's in Sandyston for
the term of three months for which service we promise to pay
the sum of twelve shillings for each schollar we shall sign
or send on or before the expiration of the above mentioned time
said Everitt is to teach Reading Writing and Arithmetic and we
the subscribers agree to find said Everitt in boarding and
lodging during said time. And to find the school with wood
if necessary.
August 6th A.D. 1816 School to begin on the 12th
Subscribers Names Subscribers Names
Marshall Everitt 2
Isaiah Rosenerance 2
Soloman Westfall Paid 2
John I. Westbrook 2
Samuel Morrow 1
Simon Cortright 2-1/2
Jacob Hornbeck 2
Joseph I. Westbrook 2
Alexr. Ennes 2
James Vanauken Junr. 1
Isaiah Cortright Paid 2
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