John D. Everitt Teaching Contracts and Poll List
Article 186
We the subscribers of the township of Montague,
county of Sussex and state of hew Jersey, do agree with John
D. Everitt to teach a regular English day school in the school
house near Philip Deckers in ad township for the term of three
months for which service we promise to pay him one dollar for
each schollar we shall sign or send on or before the experation
sd term, said Everitt is to teach reading, writing, and
arithmetic. And we, the subscribers, agree and promise to
furnish and provide during the above named term our equal
proportion of fire wood according to the number of schollars
we shall sign or send to the sd school - This day of Nov. 3, 1821
School to commence on the 5
Subscribers Names Subscribers Names
William K. Dekay One 1
Peter Cortright two 2
John Hull one 1
Parishall Howell two 2
James Stoll two 2
Peter Hoppaugh two 2
Richard McKeeby two 2
Aaron Thomas one 1
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