John D. Everitt Teaching Contracts and Poll List

Contract of 10-December-1828

      We the subscribers of the township of Montague County
of Sussex and state of New Jersey do agree with John D.
Everitt to teach a regular English day school in the stone
schoolhouse near George Neldens in Montague for the term of
three months for which service we promise to pay him One
dollar und fifty cents for each schollar we shall sign for
or send, on or before the expiration of said term. Said Ever-
itt is to teach reading writing and arithmetic and board
himself and we the subscribers do bind ourselves to furnish
the sohool with firewood in proportion to the number of
schollars we shall sign for or send, School to commence 11th
March, 1828.             This 10th day of Decm. 1828.
Subscribers Names                 Subscribers Names
James Stoll       Three   3
J. L. Hensen      Two     2
Usal C. Hagerty   Onehalf 1/2
Francis McCarrick         1
Abraham Sedam             1

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